If you want to find players, expand your network, or meet a group to get started playing, check out these suggested platforms. There are many open play beaches all over the world but sometimes it’s a challenge to find one that you can join. These two platforms can be valuable resources to find and organize games all across the world. Find your tribe of players today!

Want to find groups or create your own group?

Meetup.com is a great tool to search for beach volleyball groups by location. One thing to keep in mind is to be respectful to the group that you join. Be aware of their skill level and of yours before you jump into a group that is too advanced. Everyone was a beginner at some point so don’t be shy and get your toes in the sand!

Enter your location

Browse the different groups playing at various beaches near your desired location. Beach volleyball can be played with a team of two, three, or four. Be sure to read the description and note the level play. If you are unsure if this is the right group for you, feel free to message the organizer.

Join a Group

Once you have found a group that looks suitible, simply join the group. Once again, be sure to read the description to ensure that you are joining the correct group for your level. If. youfeel like this is not your level, reach out to the organizer who may be able to guide you to a local group that would be suitible for your level.

All Set to Play!

These groups vary in size so punctuality and attendence is important when others are relying on a certain number of players to be there. If you have a volleyball, bring it with you and offer to help set up the lines and net if needed. This may be your new volleyball community so a friendly and helpful first impression goes a long way. The golden rule of beach volleyball is to have fun with your friends. Enjoy!

Great New Vball App for Arranging Games

The BeachVolleyball app is a great tool to arrange games within your community. As a game organizer you can specify location, time, and what gear you and your players are bringing. The app includes an in app group chat, a team randomizer, and even the sunset time and weather conditions. There is a search feature for public games, which will grow with more users on the app every day.

Best App For Arranging Games

This App is great for scheduling and managing games all in one convenient platform. Specify the date, time, and type of game. This app can be used for large and small groups. There is a field for additional details about the event and even an in-app-chat feature for those invited to the game.

Set Important Game Details

There are many features the app has to offer including specifying what gear each player will be bringing. This helps with getting a smooth setup and leaves no guessing on who has the gear. There is even an option to bring a guest or even switch to being a spectator.

Check the Weather

There are many unique features that make this app so useful for the beach volleyball fanatic. Users can upload information about a particular location such as parking, amount of nets, and restrooms. This app includes wind forecast, temperature as well as sunrise and sunset times. This helps plan accordingly for game day.

Send Out the Invites!

Select your location and start sending the invitations to your game. You can pick the players individually or have groups saved for an easy invite feature. There is even an option to set it as a public game that allows players to request to join your game.

Receive Your Confirmation

Now the invites have been sent and your friends will be notified. They can confirm their attendance as well as select the gear they will be bringing. This makes the old system of texting everyone indivually outdated. No more bothersome group texts the app is here to keep it all in one place.

Game On!

Once the minimum number of players has been reached the game is officially confrmed. The in-app-chat becomes a useful tool here for anyone that needs to communicate with the other players before game time. Once the game has started there is a fun option to have a randomizer pick the teams. This is a great function to pair up when there is a large group. Warm up, pair up, and have fun with your friends playing volleyball!